Guido - 

Thanks, looking forward to it. 

Also as an FYI, on Friday I fixed the bug that was causing the requirement of 
the @JsonIgnore for Riak annotated fields without getters. 

- Brian Roach

On May 29, 2012, at 11:52 AM, Guido Medina wrote:

> I will request a "pull request", I fixed it, I enabled @RiakIndex for 
> collection fields AND methods (String, Integer or Collection of any of 
> those), on our coding is working, but still I need to test it more before 
> making it final.
> I will share the details tomorrow, I already created a fork from your master 
> branch.
> Now you can have something like:
> @RiakIndex
> @JsonIgnore
> Collection<Integer> getNumbers()
> Also this works as index and with no getter (as of 1.0.6-SNAPSHOT) will only 
> be that, an index:
> @RiakIndex
> Collection<String> numbers;
> That will act as index and be ignored as property which is the intention of 
> the index, to be a dynamic calculated value(s) and not as property which 
> requires the caller to call a post-construct.
> And of course, all subclasses of a collection apply.
> Thanks for the answer,
> Guido.
> -----Original Message----- From: Brian Roach
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:09 PM
> To: Guido Medina
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Java Client Riak Builders...
> Guido -
> The real fix is to enhance the client to support a Collection, I'll add an 
> issue for this in github.
> What you would need to do right now is write your own Converter (which would 
> really just be a modification of our JSONConverter if you're using JSON) that 
> does this for you.
> If you look at the source for JSONConverter you'll see where the indexes are 
> processed.  As it is, the index processing is handled by the 
> RiakIndexConverter<T> class which is where the limitation of requiring the 
> annotated field to be a String is coming from (it's actually buried lower 
> than that in the underlying annotation processing, but that's the starting 
> point for the problem). The actual RiakIndexes class that encapsulates the 
> data and exists in the IRiakObject doesn't have this problem.
> The catch is that you'll need to do all the reflection ugliness yourself, as 
> that's the part that's broken (the annotation processing).
> Basically, in JSONConverter.fromDomain() you would need to replace
> RiakIndexes indexes = riakIndexConverter.getIndexes(domainObject);
> with your own annotation processing. The same would need to be done in 
> JSONConverter.toDomain() at
> riakIndexConverter.populateIndexes(…)
> Obviously this is not ideal and I'm considering it a bug; I'll put this 
> toward to top of the list of things I'm working on right now.
> Thanks,
> Brian Roach
> On May 28, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Guido Medina wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for a work around @RiakIndex annotation to support multiple 
>> values per index name, since the annotation is limited to one single value 
>> per annotated property (no collection support), I would like to know if 
>> there is a way of using the DomainBucketBuilder, mutation & conflict 
>> resolver and at the same time has access to a method signature like 
>> addIndex(String or int)...addIndex(String or int) same as you can 
>> do with RiakObjectBuilder which lacks support for conflict resolution and 
>> mutation style.
>> Regards,
>> Guido.
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