Hi Bogunov,

Thank you for your fast answer.

If I understand correctly your though, for every insert, I should retrieve the 
list of message, append a new message and then store the list again ?
If it is, doesn't it performance eating ? retrieve a whole list (that can be 
long if the user has not connected since a long time) append a new message and 
store it ? there is 2 operations just for storing… Or is there a way to append 
data directly on a key ?

Best regards,

Le 9 mai 2012 à 22:16, Bogunov a écrit :

> Hi, morgan.
> - Store from 1 to X messages per registered user.
> Store all messages as one key.
> Get the number of stored messages per user. (may be stored on a variable)
> yes 
> retrieve all messages from an user at once.
> get one key =) 
> delete all messages from an user at once. 
> delete one key
> delete all messages that are older than X months no matter the user 
> you can store index entry like "written in X, X1 month" and find all users 
> who has old messages and truncate them  
> Is it realistic to have a bucket per user ? 
> - bucket is prefix, for bucket you keep your default preferences: R/W/N, 
> post/pre-commit hooks, etc. Not much gain in doing so.
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:51 PM, Morgan Segalis <msega...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone !
> I have followed with interest the riak evolution.
> I have a chat server written in Erlang from scratch with my own protocol.
> Right now I'm using MySQL in order to store Users credentials and friend list.
> I'm using Cassandra via thrift to store message that an offline user has got, 
> until the user retrieves it.
> My Cassandra data model, is quite simple, a Column Family, each row is an 
> user, each column is a message (title = timestamp for getting time ordered 
> data, value = message).
> The thing is, despite the fact that I'm happy with Cassandra performance and 
> TimeToLive feature, I would like to avoid the hassle of thrift to update my 
> code.
> Since Riak is (As I have seen on multiple website) the closer thing to 
> cassandra (but simpler).
> However Riak paradigm seems to be different somehow, with bucket which I'm 
> not yet familiar with.
> Before getting to know Riak better I would like to have some expert opinion 
> on the matter.
> I need to do several things :
> - Store from 1 to X messages per registered user.
> - Get the number of stored messages per user. (may be stored on a variable)
> - retrieve all messages from an user at once.
> - delete all messages from an user at once.
> - delete all messages that are older than X months no matter the user
> I would really love your opinion on, is Riak fit my needs, and if so, what 
> would be the data model ?
> Is it realistic to have a bucket per user ?
> Best regards,
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> -- 
> email: bogu...@gmail.com
> skype: i.bogunov
> phone: +7 903 131 8499
> Regards, Bogunov Ilya

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