My advice is to not use Riak. Check mongo or Postgres. 

@siculars on twitter

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On May 1, 2012, at 9:18, Mark Rose <> wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I'm going to be implementing Riak as a storage engine for geographic data. 
> Research has lead me to using geohashing as a useful way to filter out 
> results outside of a region of interest. However, I've run into some 
> stumbling blocks and I'm looking for advice on the best way to proceed.
> Querying efficiently by geohash involves querying several regions around a 
> point. From what I can tell, Riak offers no way to query a secondary index 
> with multiple ranges. Having to query a several ranges, merge them in the 
> application layer, then pass them off to mapreduce seems rather silly (and 
> could mean passing GBs of data). Alternatively, I could start straight with 
> mapreduce, but key filtering seems to work only with the primary key, which 
> would force me into using the geohashed location as the primary key (which 
> would lead to collisions if two things existed at the same point). I'd also 
> like to avoid using the primary key as the geohash as if the item moves I'd 
> have to change all the references to it. Lastly, I could do a less efficient 
> mapreduce over a less precise geohash, but this doesn't solve the issue of 
> the equator (anything near the equator would require mapreducing the entire 
> dataset).
> Is there any way to query multiple ranges with a secondary index and pass 
> that off to mapreduce? Or should I just stick with the less efficient 
> mapreduce, and when near the equator, run two queries and later merge them? 
> Or am I going about this the wrong way?
> In any case, the final stage of my queries will involve mapreduce as I'll 
> need to further filter the items found in a region.
> Thank you,
> Mark
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