Last week StackMob open-sourced the Riak client library we use in our Scala applications, Scaliak ( 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT is now published to Sonatype's OSSRH ( Only a 2.9.1 artifact is available at this time but we will providing ones for newer versions of Scala soon (there are some blockers in releasing a 2.10 version, currently but 2.9.1-1/2.9.2 should be pretty straightforward). We most likely will not provide artifacts for pre-2.9 versions of Scala unless there are requests for it.
If you are using SBT: scalaVersion := "2.9.1" libraryDependencies += "com.stackmob" %% "scaliak" % "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT" If you are using maven: <dependency> <groupId>com.stackmob</groupId> <artifactId>scaliak_2.9.1</artifactId> <version>0.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> We'd love to hear any feedback people have on the library and contributions are always welcome. We have been using Riak with the features implemented in Scaliak in production for a little while now and will continue to develop the library based on our priorities as well as those of the community. Cheers, Jordan
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