On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:29 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Sam Lang <saml...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When I use ascii or json objects, I don't get the exception, and the keys 
>> get listed properly.  I assume that riak is trying to parse the data of my 
>> binary object and failing because the data isn't utf8 encoded.  Is it 
>> possible to do this without writing my own data extractor?  Is there a 
>> better way to list a subset of keys?
> Hi, Sam.  Your intuition is correct: the bad_utf8_character_code error
> is coming from Riak trying to encode each object to JSON for your
> Javascript map phase to process.
> If all you want is to get the keys back to your client, and you're
> using Riak 1.1 or newer with the latest Python client, then the
> simplest workaround is to call query.run() without any phases at all:
>>>> query = client.add("foo")
>>>> query.add_key_filter("ends_with", "z")
>    <riak.mapreduce.RiakMapReduce object at 0x1006675d0>
>>>> v = query.run()
>>>> v[0]._key
>    u'baz'
> Note that you will still end up with an encoding error if your keys
> cannot be encoded as JSON.

That worked, thanks Bryan!   Any way to avoid sending the values of the object 
to the client as well?

> HTH,
> Bryan
> P.S. If you're using an older version of Riak and/or the Python
> client, you may need to use the hack of a single-phase query, of just
> one reduce phase implemented by the Erlang function
> riak_kv_mapreduce:reduce_identity, instead of using the empty query.

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