
在 2012-4-21,上午8:04,Buri Arslon <buri...@gmail.com> 写道:

> Another thing that I noticed:
>   - /data directories aren't same size
> /data directories in the cluster of (dev1, dev2, dev3) should be the same 
> size, right?
Should be or should not be, it is uncertain.  Since every box(physical node) 
claimed for vnodes from the dynamo ring. Each vnode is the data unit for data 
storage. If n=3, then one set of data will be stored by 3 copies.  If the 
copies of all data are averagely sparse on each box, then the positive answer, 
otherwise negative.
> -- buriwoy
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Buri Arslon <buri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Yesterday and today I've experienced anomaly in Riak DB. 
> :list_keys() is showing 2 keys. Each time I perform this it fetches two keys 
> but one of them is always different (different key, different value). So, I 
> guess there are three k/v stored in the DB.
> Before that, I had deleted /data directory from all nodes (dev1, dev2, dev3) 
> to clean the DB.
There maybe some "left" data. I suggest that rm -rf dev1 dev2 dev3; then 
> I didn't change Riak nodes, the settings are identical with Fast Track 
> tutorial.
> Any ideas to fix the problem?
> Thanks,
> --  buriwoy
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