I just encountered a problem with one of our Riak nodes, which is caused
by a bug in either the disk controller or the firmware of our SSD disks.
Anyway, the obvious symptom is, that all writes to the disks suddenly
fail, which of course leads to truncated bitcask files. However, this
time the files got corrupted in a way, that lead to CRC errors while
fetching keys from bitcask. This in turn leads to a crash of the vnode
everytime such a key is read. So the log is filled with these messages:
11:55:52.621 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.23175.3> with 0 neighbours
crashed with reason: no case clause matching
in riak_kv_vnode:prepare_put/3
Also those keys cannot be (over)written, since a put without
last_write_wins set to true does a get first internally.
I think the cause of the error should be obvious to anyone familiar with
the riak internals. Otherwise I can provide more information.
Senior Backend Developer
ADITION technologies AG
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(Festnetzpreis 14 ct/min; Mobilfunkpreise maximal 42 ct/min)
Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Düsseldorf unter HRB 54076
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