Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All - For today's Recap: blog posts, meetups, new code, and more
May your weekend be merry, your pagers be silent, and your nodes always up. Mark twitter.com/pharkmillups ----------------------------------- Riak Recap for April 9 - 12 =================== 1) Christiano Anderson escribió un poste del blog excelent sobre Riak y sus primeras impresiones de él. * Léalo aquí ---> http://christiano.me/2012/04/11/riak-um-nosql-que-me-surpreendeu/ 2) We put another BashoChats Meetup on the calendar at BashoWest. This one is happening on April 24th and is all about how and why the Yammer team built a 45 node Berkeley DB Cluster. * Details here ---> http://www.meetup.com/BashoChats/events/60019402/ 3) Will Farrington of High Groove put together a great slide deck about Riak for last week's Atlanta Ruby Meetup. * Check them out here ---> http://speakerdeck.com/u/wfarr/p/learn-you-some-riak 4) More slides... Andy Gross' slides from his Erlang Factory talk called "Building Cloud Services with Riak" are now live. * Here ---> http://www.erlang-factory.com/upload/presentations/571/AndyGross-ErlangFactorySF2012-RiakCloudStorage.pdf 5) It looks like the Riak piece from IBM developerWorks that appeared a few weeks back has been translated into Japanese. * Read here ---> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/jp/opensource/library/os-riak1/ 6) Congrats to friends and Riak Users Voxer on raising a new round of funding! Go download Voxer if you haven't already. * Details here ---> http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/11/walkie-talkie-app-voxer-goes-big-ivp-and-intel-lead-30-million-round/ 7) Jon Brisbin's AMQP-RabbitMQ-Lager backend got an update. * Details here ---> http://twitter.com/#!/j_brisbin/status/190904853294350339 # Issues 1) New * /var/run/riak is not recreated on demand at startup ---> https://github.com/basho/riak/issues/130 * Riak can't listen on ipv6 addresses ---> https://github.com/basho/riak_core/issues/167
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