If you'd like, I will write a C wrapper around
obviously itself written for C++. Actually, in the interest of getting my
code into more hands, I will help you in any number of ways (e.g. provide
an implementation of Riak/PB) if you can specify your compiler and/or
runtime constraints in more detail.

Let me know.


2012/4/13 Brian Knox <bri...@talksum.com>

> I'm extremely interested in evaluating Riak for the back end of a project
> I'm currently working on.  However, there's one major hurdle - there
> doesn't appear to be a supported C client driver, which I absolutely need
> do to some integration work I need to do.  I found one C driver project on
> github, but it doesn't appear to be production ready and looks more like an
> experiment (no offense to the author!).  To be clear - when I say "C
> client" I'd like to use the protobuf interface, and not the HTTP rest api
> (for performance reasons).
> So first, I'd like to just +1 any previous requests for a C driver.
> Secondly - for my particular needs, I really only need insert ability (I
> don't need to query from C) - since this is a much smaller subset of the
> problem of a full fledged client library, if there's any available
> information that would be helpful for someone writing a C library for
> inserting into Riak via it's protobuf interface, I'm grateful for any links
> and pointers.
> Thank you!
> Brian
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