On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Anthony Molinaro wrote:

> Is it not possible to use the last modified filed in a Map/Reduce?  

You can, in fact, access, use and return the automatically recorded last 
modified field (along with all the other metadata stored by Riak) in your map 
like so:

lastMod = v["values"][0]["metadata"]["X-Riak-Last-Modified"];

However, I would consider explicitly recording that data in your value 
depending on your application and use case. I had a situation where an 
application used that value to display data to the user determining sort 
ordering and the like. But... I had to programmatically re-write the data to 
accommodate additional data elements -AND- re index the data with a new Riak 
Search schema, which a read alone will not do - you need a read and a write. 
So, you can imagine, had I not written a script to pull that last modified data 
from the header and explicitly record it in the value that all my records would 
have the same last modified time. 

Sometimes you're the hammer. Sometimes you're the nail. 

-Alexander Sicular


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