Is there documentation to indicate what riak search supports in search operations.
I have been testing some searches and even looked at: for some ideas. These work: search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:Water">>). search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:water">>). search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:water OR notes:Water">>). But these don't ? seems to work at the end but not in the middle. Same with *. Why? search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:Wate?">>) works. But not search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:Wa?er">>). How would you search for "&"? maybe it is too short to be searched on search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"notes:&">>). In order to index "&", I had to use "&": <field name='notes'>Category: Water & Wetlands (W)</field>. When an xml file is indexed, say: <add> <doc> <field name='id'>0</field> <field name='title'>Ekologie lučních porostů (A)</field> <field name='author_editor'>Rychnovská, Milena, Emilie Balátová-Tuláčková, Blanka Úlehlová, Jaroslav Pelikán</field> <field name='date_of_publication'>1985</field> <field name='publisher'>Academia</field> <field name='notes'>amazon 5/22/09 Category: Ecology (Y)</field> <field name='valuation'>8.00</field> <field name='purchase_price'>10.00</field> </doc> </add I try to search on id, but it does nothing: search:search_doc(<<"searchable-dbooks">>,<<"id:0">>). {0,"0.0",[]} Thanks, Wes _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list