Hi All,

I just wanted to take a second and share some details on a new Riak-based
product that Basho announced today.

Riak, the open source database, has long served as the basis for our
commercial offerings. Until this morning, RiakEDS [1] was the only member
of that product family, with Multi Data Center Replication being the
primary distinguishing feature between stock Riak and the EDS product.

Today we introduced something called Riak CS [2], a closed-source product
built on top Riak that provides an S3 API. Some of the main features of
Riak CS:

* S3 REST API Compatibility
* Multi Tenancy
* Pluggable Auth
* Large Object Support
* Per-Tenant Usage Visibility (for billing and metering)
* Multi Data Center Replication is also part of Riak CS

Thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.


[1] http://basho.com/products/riak-enterprise/
 [2] http://basho.com/products/riakcs/
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