Right now I am just loading data for test purposes. It's nice to be able to do 
some benchmarks against the private network (which is @1Gbit/s)... while being 
able to poke a hole in the firewall when I want to do a test/demo.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Alexander Sicular" <sicul...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2012 9:15pm
To: "Tim Robinson" <t...@blackstag.com>
Cc: "riak-users@lists.basho.com" <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
Subject: Re: Questions on configuring public and private ips for riak on ubuntu

this is a "Very Bad" idea. do not expose your riak instance over a public ip 
address. riak has no internal security mechanism to keep people from doing very 
bad things to your data, configuration, etc.

-Alexander Sicular


On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:43 AM, Tim Robinson wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a few questions on networking configs for riak.
> I have both a public ip and a private ip for each riak node. I want Riak to 
> communicate over the private ip addresses to take advantage of free 
> bandwidth, but I would also like the option to interface with riak using the 
> public ip's if need be (i.e. for testing / demo's etc).
> I'm gathering that the way people to this is by setting up app.config to use 
> ip "" to listen for all ip's. I'm also gathering vm.args needs to have 
> a unique name in the cluster so I would need to use the hostname for the 
> -name option (i.e. r...@www.fake-node-domain-name-1.com).
> My hosts file would contain:
>  localhost.localdomain                  localhost
> x.x.x.x    www.fake-node-domain-name-1.com        mynode-1
> ....
> where x.x.x.x is the public ip not the private.
> This is where I start to get lost.
> As it sits, if I attempt to join using the private ip's i will get the 
> unreachable error - yet I can telnet connect to/from the equivalent nodes. 
> So I could add a second IP to the hosts file, but since I need to keep the 
> public one as well, how is that riak is going to use the private ips for 
> gissip ring, hinted hand-off, ... etc etc.
> There's obviously some networking basics I am missing.
> Any guidance from those of you who have done this?
> Thanks.
> Tim
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Tim Robinson

Tim Robinson

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