Hi Jared,


I found "{require_otp_vsn, ...}"  in those 3 deps and added" |R15"






But the compile is giving now this error


~/riak-1.1.0> make rel


==> erlang_js (compile)

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/u1c332/riak-1.1.0/deps/erlang_js'

rebar.mk:10: Extraneous text after `else' directive

rebar.mk:12: *** only one `else' per conditional.  Stop.

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/u1c332/riak-1.1.0/deps/erlang_js'

ERROR: Command [compile] failed!

make: *** [rel] Error 1


Not sure what's wrong with this code in riak-1.1.0/deps/erlang_js'


ifneq ($(strip $(REBAR_LOCAL)), )


else ifneq ($(strip $(REBAR_GLOBAL)), )



REBAR ?= rebar

$(warning Rebar not installed or available. Try 'make rebar-info')




From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 5:50 PM
To: Chenini, Mohamed
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: riak install error: R15B does not match required regex




If you are using our packages provided, it packages Erlang r14b04 with
Riak.   Those packages will install straight away with erlang included.
You look like you are trying to build from the source tarball versus
installing a package.   One thing to note, we haven't tested Riak with
R15 formally.   If you still really want to use R15, you'll have to
change all rebar.config's in the build dependencies not just the
top-level Riak repository.   Once you fetch your dependencies, search
for every rebar.config file and make the change in each file you find.


If you are using this in production, I would recommend you stick with
Erlang 14B04 for this release as it was the tested version.





On Feb 24, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chenini, Mohamed wrote:



I am trying to install riak riak-1.1.0, but I am getting a rebar error.


ERROR: OTP release R15B does not match required regex R13B04|R14

make: *** [compile] Error 1

And though I added R15 like this  {require_otp_vsn, "R14B0[234]|R15"}.


I am still seeing the same error :

ERROR: OTP release R15B does not match required regex R13B04|R14


It's like the update did not take effect.


Any idea how I can fix this issue?




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