
Thanks for the reply, I found this in the basho doc's..

Maybe the Basho guys can shed some light on the performance trade offs

Lookup Performance #
Secondary Indexes uses document-based partitioning, which means that the 
indexes for an object are stored on the same partition as the object itself. 
This has implications on query-time performance. When issuing a query, the 
system must read from what we call a "covering" set of partitions. The system 
looks at how many replicas of our data are stored and determines the minimum 
number of partitions that it must examine to retrieve a full set of results, 
accounting for any offline nodes.
By default, Riak is configured to store 3 replicas of all objects, so the 
system can generate a full result set if it reads from one-third of the 
system's partitions, as long as it chooses the right set of partitions. The 
query is then broadcast to the selected partitions, which read the index data, 
generate a list of keys, and send them back to the requesting node.

So am I correct in thinking as you increase the number of nodes whilst keeping 
N constant you will see a decrease in query performance? or have I got a stick 
which I am holding the wrong end of :-)


On 21 Feb 2012, at 22:09, Paul Gross wrote:

> I can't speak to the performance differences, but my understanding is that 
> secondary indexes perform very well.
> Personally, I prefer one document with multiple secondary indexes instead of 
> extra documents. I think it's cleaner conceptually, and it's a simpler 
> implementation.
> On 2/21/12 2:46 PM, David Dawson wrote:
>> This looks great
>> Although I am still not clear when to use index's and when not to, for 
>> instance if I wanted to build a high speed backend system where you could 
>> look up a user either by their email address or their mobile number I see 2 
>> ways to do this:
>>  1 .Create a user document, followed by a user_email_index / 
>> user_msisdn_index document which points back to the user document
>>  2. Create a user document and add a index called email and msisdn.
>> My concern with options 2. is the performance characteristics and other 
>> tradeoffs ? e.g. is it quicker to do the lookup against a key, rather than a 
>> secondary index? 
>> Dave
>> On 21 Feb 2012, at 15:29, Paul Gross wrote:
>>> We at Braintree ( open sourced our Riak 
>>> ORM for Ruby called Curator. It follows a repository pattern rather than an 
>>> ActiveRecord or Ripple pattern.
>>> You can check out the code on github:
>>> We also released a blog post that explains our pattern:
>>> Comments welcome.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul
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