Hello list, I am looking for some clever comments and critique.

This is my first post, so have patience with my loutish behavior :)

At the company where I work we have built an EventMachine
<http://rubyeventmachine.com/> based Ruby client to Riak that
simplifies both asynchronous HTTP requests and a few relation

You can find it at https://github.com/ProjectDaisy/blodsband if you
are interested.

In this project I have added a few things that add a synchronous layer
on top of Riak. For example a compare-and-set method that guarantees
uniqueness of a document update.

This is used for a #put_if_missing method, a Lock class to synchronize
operations, and (lo and behold) a linked list class using Riak
documents for elements.

All these things, of course, assume that the cluster is not
partitioned in any way more interesting than a bunch of nodes being
offline. Split brain would break all synchronization.

They all seem to work in our tests, but I would be very happy for some
peer review educated comments!


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