Sure, as long as your working set fits in ram or you set up a sharing system in 
front of your redis cache. 

-Alexander Sicular


On Feb 13, 2012, at 8:31 AM, Shuhao Wu wrote:

> What about caching with redis? That seems to be a popular option as well.
> Shuhao
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Aphyr <> wrote:
> On 02/12/2012 03:27 AM, Marco Monteiro wrote:
> I'm considering Riak for the statistics of a site that is approaching
> a billion page views per month. The plan is to log a little
> information about each the page view and then to query that data.
> Honestly, I wouldn't use stock Riak for this; the MR times will become 
> prohibitive over billions of records. However, jrecursive has been solving a 
> very similar set of problems at Showyou, and wrote Mecha, a solr/leveldb 
> backend for Riak. Mecha provides fast, distributed querying on top of Riak's 
> redundancy/distribution. There's a talk at the next Riak Meetup on the 23rd, 
> and we should be releasing then as well.
> --Kyle
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