On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:40 PM, John Loehrer <jloeh...@gaiaonline.com>wrote:

> At this point one or more of the nodes will start misbehaving, and you
> will see the data directory grow at the rate of about 100 MB per second
> until it fills up the disk or until you restart riak on that node.

The disk usage problem was caused by a bug in LevelDB -- this should be
fixed as part of the 1.1 release (and the RCs). I believe the root problem
you're seeing, however, is that if you snapshot when a new version of the
MANIFEST file is being written, you can get a partial dump of data from
leveldb and the repair will fail on restart. If you can recreate this
problem and send me the LOG file (generated by leveldb in the vnode data
dir), I'd be curious to see what it says.



Dave Smith
VP, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.
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