On 10 Feb 2012, at 03:04, Jeremiah Peschka wrote:

> Are there any protocol changes for client developers to be aware of, or are 
> we safe?

Not strictly a protocol change, but It is possible to run a MapReduce job 
*without* phases now. If your client previously disallowed this it should 

To make it clear - the MapReduce JSON must still contain both 'inputs' and 
'query' elements, but 'query' may be an empty list '[]'. In 1.0.* this would 
result in a 400 with the body

"An error occurred parsing the "query" field.
"No query phases were given\n""

In 1.1 you will get a list of Bucket/Key pairs returned.



> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka
> Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Jared Morrow <ja...@basho.com> wrote:
> The next release candidate has been built and uploaded to our Downloads page 
> listed below.   The RELEASE-NOTES at the link below has also been updated 
> with the latest fixes.
> Lastly, we are tentatively planning on releasing Riak 1.1 the week of 
> February 20th, so if you have some particular test cases you want to run 
> before we cut the final release, now is your chance!
> Thanks,
> Jared
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
>> Riak Users,
>> I am pleased to announce the availability of Riak 1.1.0 RC (release 
>> candidate) 1.   We are providing RC packages of 1.1 to the community like we 
>> did with the last major release (Riak 1.0) in the hopes that you as a 
>> community can offer us feedback before final release.   Unlike 1.0 though, 
>> we are planning the 1.1 release to be a shorter cycle from first RC to final 
>> release (barring any major event or bug that is found with RC1 obviously).  
>> So, please download, install, abuse, and enjoy RC1 and let us know what you 
>> think.
>> Download from the downloads page http://basho.com/resources/downloads/ 
>> under 1.1 or CURRENT.
>> An extremely rough initial draft of the 1.1 release notes is available here: 
>>  https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.org
>> I assure you it will be filled out with actual descriptions of features 
>> added by the time 1.1 ships.   
>> As always, thanks from the entire Basho team!
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