I <http://facebook.com/jeffrey.eliasen>'ve been playing with Riak for a few
weeks now using Python, and JavaScript, so I have ~8M records in JSON
stored in my cluster. Now I would like to run a map/reduce job that adds
links and index data to every item.

>From what I understand, this can't be done using JavaScript and map/reduce,
so I need to use Erlang. I've been learning Erlang for a couple weeks, but
I'm still pretty new to it overall.

My question is this: what's the easiest way to manipulate this data? I see
three options:

   1. Learn me some Erlang and do it that way...
      1. Where can I find specific help in learning to manipulate JSON data
      using Erlang?
      2. Am I better off converting every node to Erlang data structures
      and just using only Erlang from this point forward?
   2. Use Erlang but call Python code that does the data manipulation...
      1. Any good references for hooking into Python or other external code
      from within Erlang?
   3. Use JavaScript but call Python code that does the re-writes back to
   the cluster...
      1. This appears to be less desireable as M/R jobs will timeout
      quickly and I can't configure this; any other gotcha's I need to
know about?


jeffrey k eliasen
riak-users mailing list

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