That's perfect thanks. I think I was presuming that the name of the underlying index was $key_bin so this didn't cross my mind. Definitely agree with having a separated typed KeyIndex rather than changing how BinIndex or IntIndex work.
Thanks, D On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Russell Brown <>wrote: > > On 30 Jan 2012, at 18:12, Dietrich Featherston wrote: > > I'm using a leveldb-backed riak 1.0.2 and looking for some suggestions to > fetch a block of data by key range. I have control over the keys and all > reads out of this setup will involve at minimum a key range. It seems that > if leveldb is an ideal candidate for this kind of access pattern so long as > I'm able to take advantage of that in the APIs exposed by riak. > > First thought is to use the built-in $key index to do a query for the keys > falling in a range, then fetch the underlying objects (either directly or > via a map job). Doesn't look like this is yielding any results for a range > known to contain data, however. > > Doing something like the following in the Java API yields no data > > val keys = >> bucket.fetchIndex(BinIndex.named("$key")).from(startKey).to(endKey).execute(); > > > Whereas the same question phrased as a keyfilter map job does yield data > > riak.mapReduce(query) >> .addKeyFilter(new BetweenFilter(startKey, endKey)) >> .addMapPhase(new NamedErlangFunction("riak_kv_mapreduce", >> "map_object_value"), true) >> .execute() > > > Perhaps there is something I need to do to make sure the $key index is > built other than using the leveldb backend, but I couldn't find any > evidence of that in the docs. > > Does this seem like a reasonable approach? If so, any thoughts on how I > might be reading the key index incorrectly? > > > It is a bug/oversight in the RJC, when you do BinIndex.named("$key"), > you'll get an index called "$key_bin", which isn't the name of the index > you want. I'll raise a bug for it and get a patch out. I think the best bet > is to have a tagged type (KeyIndex ?) rather than change the way that > BinIndex/IntIndex work. Sound ok? > > Cheers > > Russell > > > Thanks, > D > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > > > >
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