
Alin is correct, the PB client is canonical (but there's also ). Were you specifically
having trouble with the internal representation (riak_object) leaking into
the client via MapReduce? It should be straightforward to address that

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Alin Popa <> wrote:

> Hi Jeremey,
> Sorry, I'm not one of the 'Basho folks', like you named them :), but I
> would say that Erlang client (riak_object) is the one used only for
> internal purposes, as opposed to Erlang Pb Client, which is the one that
> should you use when you're building your erlang applications.
> Nevertheless, as 'basho falks' suggests it: "The local Erlang client is a
> tightly-integrated part of Riak and the Riak HTTP and Protocol Buffers
> interfaces use the Erlang client internally. The primary client for code
> that is not inside of Riak is the Protocol Buffers client:
>    - riak-erlang-client on GitHub<>
>     "
> HTH,
> Alin
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Jeremey Barrett <
> > wrote:
>> All, and especially Basho folks, what is the Right client to use from
>> Erlang? I've been using the PB client, but dealing with the strange
>> difference between riakc_obj and riak_object is making me question that
>> choice. Is there a better answer?
>> If not, is there a recommended practice for dealing with the results of
>> map_identity in clients using PB?
>> It seems like the distributed erlang client isn't really intended to be
>> used as a "client library," given that it's buried inside riak_kv.
>> Any advice would be welcome, I don't really see a lot of documentation on
>> best practices.
>> Regards,
>> Jeremey.
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Sean Cribbs <>
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
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