Hi Jared,

Sorry for the confusion, the Java client you highlight is the Riak client I
meant to originally refer to, I clumsily dropped in the javascript one for
some reason!

I also think it is something which would both communities with benefits for
persisting and accessing data within Riak.

I think I will open a ticket on our Jira and hopefully the Gora community
can work towards this in the near future.

Thanks for getting back to me, and btw the documentation on both Riak and
the Java client are excellent.

All the best


On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 10:15 PM, Jared Morrow <ja...@basho.com> wrote:

> One note, we do provide an excellent Java client, that would probably be
> preferable over the javascript client if you are already working from the
> Java world.
> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client
> And personally I think it would be great to see a Riak connector for Gora.
> -Jared
> On Jan 23, 2012, at 2:02 PM, lewis john mcgibbney wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently been discussing the possibility of working on a gora-riak
> store for the Apache Gora project [1]. As gora is written in Java we would
> use the riak-javascript-client API for the Riak logic, the aim being to
> provide all the goodies that Gora offers to the Riak community...
> Would something of this nature be a valuable asset?
> [1] http://www.incubator.apache.org/gora
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