Charlies, Upgrading riaks version or switching the the storage backend is typically best down by rolling in the new servers then rolling out the old servers. This takes a while but keeps you downtime at ~0. After the old servers are removed you should be able to start using the riak's newest powers like 2i. NOTE: As far as I know bitcask should worth with 2i, I presume you've also update the riak version on your leveldb machines? -Michael On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 1:01 PM, <> wrote:
> I've been using Riak for a few weeks now. I'm using the PHP API Client ( > > > > > I noticed it was giving me errors when I tried to add indexes, so I > changed the backend from bitcask to leveldb (Does bitcask not allow > indexing i.e. for secondary indexes?). So after the change, adding indexes > and index search seems to be working now, but all my earlier data is not > longer accessible. > > > > How do I make my old data work with a new backend?! > > > > Thanks in advance. > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > > > -- -Michael
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