Thank you, that fixed the SSL problem and I was able to install the .deb
correctly, so I can get on with my experiments.  There does seem to be a
problem with how configure is doing its ">=" tests though.

But eventually I will want to run multiple instances on one node to play
with failover, etc.  And for that I need to build from source (so says
the doc.  I am not clear on why building from source gives different
results than the binary install though.)

When building from source I still get the messages about libstdc++ as it
tried to make "skerl".

==> skerl (compile)
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: cc c_src/skein.o c_src/skein_api.o c_src/skein_block.o
c_src/skein_debug.o c_src/skerl_nifs.o  -lstdc++ -shared 
-L/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.7.6/lib -lerl_interface -lei -o
priv/ failed with error: 1 and output:

I can see the files I think it is looking for.  The last one is a link
to the second one:

On 1/22/2012 6:36 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> The exact package name is libssl0.9.8, so:
>>  sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8

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