
I have a script that runs over ~200,000 rows, creates an embedded document per 
row and adds each X embedded docs to a Document (5 embedded docs to a document 
by average). The script does other stuff as well.

At first, running the script took too long. Using profiler, I've noticed the 
adding takes the majority time: report << item.

After debugging the code of '<<' function in 'many_embedded_proxy.rb', I've 
noticed that each call to "Array(docs)" causes a 'missing_method' call which 
activates 'define_attribute_methods' function.

I've tried to coat the embedded doc parameter myself before calling '<<' and 
removed the following lines from the '<<' function:

      def <<(docs)
        #@reflection.verify_type!(Array(docs), @owner)
        #@target += Array(docs)
        @target += docs  # instead of the previous line

And my script ran 10 times faster. I thought that removing these lines will 
cause a problem to the 'save' method of the document, but the save went ok.

Am I missing something by removing these lines? Is there a problem with the 


Yehuda Zargrov
Software Engineer
Conduit Your Site<http://www.conduit.com/>
t: +972.8.946.1713 ext +288 |   m: +972503473119   |   f: +97286382140

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<<inline: image001.png>>

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