I for one would love to see a CRDT-like interface in Riak...


Mark Steele, CISSP, CSM
Bering Media Inc.

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Ryan Zezeski <rzeze...@basho.com> wrote:

> Marek,
> You're definitely butting up against the limits of Riak's data model here.
>  It sounds like you are looking for something like Redis?  E.g. add element
> E to set S.  You could probably use statebox [1] and pull some tricks in
> the precommit hook to determine if the incoming client object is the
> initial object or a delta but you would still need to perform a read in the
> hook to get the box, apply the delta, and then return that object from the
> hook.  As you said this happens on the coordinator and there is no easy way
> to guarantee this op applies local to the data off the top of my head.  At
> least a precommit hook would prevent streaming the object to/from the
> client.
> I think what you really want is native support for different data models
> on top of Riak.  Internally, we've played around with a CRDT [2] interface
> on top of Riak where instead of sending objects you send operations.  This
> is analogous to how Redis works (although the underlying implementation is
> very different given Riak's distributed nature).  The trick with a new data
> model is making sure it scales and making sure we understand its
> consistency model.
> Riak's pedigree is the key-value model.  I'm sure you could hack something
> together on top of Riak's KV model with precommit hooks but you will be
> swimming upstream.  That said, we're always looking at new models that
> would compliment our existing key-value model.
> -Ryan
> [1]: https://github.com/mochi/statebox
> [2]: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00555588/
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Marek Zawirski <marek.zawir...@lip6.fr>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we are trying use Riak as a storage layer for experimental
>> higher-level data types updated by clients, using a set of
>> well-defined operations. To this end, each data type instance is
>> stored under a single key. One problem with this approach is that
>> after client modifies even a small piece of the data structure, it
>> needs to write (and transfer) the whole data structure back to Riak.
>> We are looking for a way to reduce this overhead by sending just a
>> delta operation, preferably without partitioning the data structure to
>> several keys.
>> One approach we thought about is to perform operations on Riak-side
>> using pre-commit hooks or similar technique. I.e. reconstruct the new
>> value on Riak using original old value + delta send by client. The
>> operations (deltas) we are talking about have necessary properties to
>> ensure convergence. Still, it seems there a couple technical issues
>> involved, we are looking how to solve them:
>> 1) pre-commit API seems to only offer access to the object value
>> passed by client during write and not the old value; I wonder - am I
>> able to read the value from the store in pre-commit hook? In
>> particular, the value previously read by the client writing,
>> identified by version vector?
>> 2) pre-commit hooks are executed on the coordinator node; is there an
>> easy way in Riak to apply operations at data nodes instead?
>> Thanks for any info that can help addressing these issues.
>> Regards,
>> Marek Zawirski
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