Hey Joel,

I can't speak to which templates to use, but the error you are seeing is
happening because you have a line with {boot_rel, "freqserver"} but no
corresponding {rel, "freqserver", "x.x.x", []} release configuration.''

Again, I apologize that I don't have a full answer to the questions you are
asking, but hopefully this helps you some in tracking down the issue. You
can find more on reltool.config here
http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/reltool.html if you haven't looked already.

Best of luck,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:45 PM, Joel Meyer <joel.me...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a riak_core application based on 0.13.0 that I'm updating to
> riak_core 1.0. In the process, I thought I'd try moving it from framewerk
> to rebar. For my initial attempt I used the riak_core template, but when I
> tried to build a release with reltool I got the following error:
> [root@rocky:experimental/freqserver]# rebar generate
> ==> rel (generate)
> {"init terminating in do_boot","Release freqserver uses non existing
> application freqserver"}
> This got me looking at the differences between the riak_core template and
> the riak_core_multinode template. It looks like the riak_core template puts
> src in the src/ dir (and doesn't include things like the handoff-handlers,
> etc) while the multinode template puts src in apps/{{app_id}}/ and includes
> more things. Could someone shed some light on when to use which template?
> My application is currently deployed on more than one node (84 currently).
> Thanks,
> Joel
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