Hey Jeff, (great name!)

Have you posted the specs for the low cost/power nodes you've built? If
not, would be interested in doing that? (parts, cost, anything interesting)

I noticed in your Future Steps section (
http://jeff.jke.net/2011/12/14/future-steps ) that you were looking to add
an administrative dashboard for things like node status. While I assume
you'd probably like something custom, have you looked at riak_control yet?
It's still being developed, but does a really good job presenting node and
ring status right now. It's quite pretty too. :)

You can find the riak_control repo here:
https://github.com/basho/riak_control It's part of the current master of
riak, so you probably already have it. I've been using it with the
distributed mud I'm building on top of riak_core (mostly to learn
riak_core), and have found it quite useful.

Going to read through your tutorial more carefully now.



On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Jeffrey Eliasen <j...@jke.net> wrote:

> I spent the Christmas break setting up a Riak cluster and documenting all
> the steps. I've got a howto/tutorial set up at
> http://jeff.jke.net/2011/10/02/setting-nosql-cluster that will walk you
> through the steps.
> In particular, I aimed for low cost and low power. Each node in the
> cluster boots off the network (single point of maintenance for all node OS
> configuration) and just requires a data drive. Nodes are assigned addresses
> using DHCP and automatically update vm.args and execute reip if the node
> address changes from boot to boot. The scripts for this might be handy for
> anyone else running in an environment where machine addresses change
> (Amazon, etc).
> I'd love feedback, and more to the point, I'd like to find someone to walk
> through it step-by-step and make sure I didn't miss anything.
> Oh, and *thanks* to the list for helping me with configuration help over
> the last couple weeks!
> jeff
> --
> jeffrey k eliasen
> Find and follow me on:
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