Hi guys,

I've start using the mapreduce functionality from riak erlang's client
(riak-erlang-client) on a riak node (not being part of a cluster) and I
keep getting the follwing error in the crash.log file:

2012-01-06 16:43:17 =ERROR REPORT====
** State machine <0.1619.0> terminating
** Last event in was
** When State == wait_for_input
**      Data  ==
** Reason for termination =
** processing_error
2012-01-06 16:43:17 =CRASH REPORT====
    initial call: riak_pipe_vnode_worker:init/1
    pid: <0.1619.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: processing_error
      in function  gen_fsm:terminate/7
      in call from proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3
    messages: []
    links: [<0.352.0>,<0.351.0>]
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 1597
    stack_size: 24
    reductions: 621
2012-01-06 16:43:17 =SUPERVISOR REPORT====
     Supervisor: {<0.352.0>,riak_pipe_vnode_worker_sup}
     Context:    child_terminated
     Reason:     processing_error

and this is the code that I'm using for this:

*main(Pid) ->*
*  {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087),*
*  Fun = fun(Object, _KeyData, none) -> [Object] end,*
*  riakc_pb_socket:mapred(Pid, {<<"small-bucket">>,[]}, [{map, {qfun,
Count}, none, true}]).*

It's a very simple usage, and according to the documentation, I haven't
missed anything here (I know I can use the modfun instead of qfun for
exactly this functionality, but it's just an example which throws).

Also, for the master version of riak, I'm getting error as return value of
calling mapred function on riakc_pb_socket:

Is there a way that I can understand what these logs means ? It's all
erlang information there, but the problem is that it's related to a lot of
internals which I don't know.
Is it something very obvious that escapes my attention here ?

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