On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Tim Robinson <t...@blackstag.com> wrote:
> So with the original thread where with N=3 on 3 nodes. The developer believed 
> each node was getting a copy. When in fact 2 copies went to a single node. So 
> yes, there's redundancy and the "shock" value can go away :) My apologies.
> That said, I have no ability to assess how much data space that is wasting, 
> but it seems like potentially 1/3 - correct?

If you want to write 3 copies while one of your 3 nodes is down.

> Another way to look at it, using the above noted case, is that I need to 
> double[1] the amount of hardware needed to achieve a single amount of 
> redundancy.

Or perhaps that you want to use more nodes so having one down doesn't
impact the others so much.

   Les Mikesell

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