If you are using bit cask, it takes a while before the space will be freed. I 
think the default is 24 hours. Below is a quote from the bit cask page on the 

Purging stale entries after a fixed period

To automatically purge stale values, set the expiry_secs value to the desired 
cutoff time. Keys that are not modified for a period equal to or greater than 
expiry_secs will become inaccessible. 


Pronam Chatterjee
Sent with Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)

On Wednesday 4 January 2012 at 6:33 PM, Vicky Khanna wrote:

> Hi, 
> I had around 100 million entries in the riak cluster of 4 which was taking 
> 9*4 = 36 GB of RAM.
> I deleted some 40 million keys from the cluster and still the size is same.
> I restarted the cluster and still size is same.
> Can anyone please tell why riak is still retaining its original size even 
> after deletion.
> Thanks in Advance
> Vicky Khanna
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