Thanks for your answers.

Now, it seems that if the items passing between the map phase and reduce phase 
are many and small, then the system could benefit from a "chunking" fitting 
that collects items and sends them off in a list to the next fitting, after 
receiving X # of items, or after some timeout (say, Y ms); i.e. basically 
Nagle's algorithm  Otherwise, we may get burned pretty seriously by the "sync 
send" that happens between fittings !?

So ...

   riak_kv_get, follow
   riak_kv_mrc_map, follow
   nagles_send, follow   

   nagles_receive, riak_pipe_w_reduce:chashfun
   riak_pipe_w_reduce, follow


On Nov 30, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Bryan Fink wrote:

> Ew.  Major apologies for the formatting in my last response.  I've no
> idea what happened.  Let me know if it's unreadable, and I'll try
> sending again.
> -Bryan

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