Here at Clipboard, we make very heavy use of Riak Search and a couple of manual indices here and there. I've wanted to use 2i a few times but have decided against it for a few reasons:
1) Apprehension about the coverage set query, as Matt articulated. 2) Lack of ordering of returned results. Generally I just want the top 10 or so, and the ordering information is in the primary key. I can accomplish this with search via the presort parameter. To me, the implementations of search and 2I are backwards. Search has scalability issues because term-based partitioning optimizes for single-term queries, but creates huge hotspots making many AND queries prohibitively expensive. 2I's document-based partitioning makes single-term queries more expensive (coverage set) but should allow AND queries to scale. But 2i only supports single-term queries! -- Greg Clipboard On Monday, November 21, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Fyodor Yarochkin wrote: > > Have you tried Secondary Indexes? > > Does the feature help solve your problems? If not, why not? Any concerns? > > What is your wish list for the future of Secondary Indexes? > > yup. I think secondary indexes is probably one of the most-wanted > options for this release. It does impact how you are able to model > your data alot. We discussed the data modeling patterns internally > here, and the cool thing with secondary indexes is that it is not only > queries are possible but also the secondary index name could be > throught of as dynamic variable. Thus, as long as you can predict the > secondary index name, you can pretty much use it as indexed field in > SQL data model. One thing we have not tested yet though: if there is > a limit on number of secondary indexes for a single object, and how > the system would behave if the number of secondary indexes for a > particular object is huge. > > Another limitation (or wouldbegoodtohave :-)) thing that we have > noticed is that there is no straight-forward way to query data by > multiple secondary indexes at once. You can either do key filtering, > or do one query, feed it to map job, and then reduce by removing > entries that do not much 2nd criteria, but not query by > secondaryAval_int/2 and secondaryBval_int/4. This said, I haven't > really looked into inner workings of secondary indexes implementation, > so I am simply commenting on this from a user perspective. > > Other than this would be interesting to hear some comparisons on > performance of secondary index queries vs. SOLR indexes (riak_search), > in our experience secondary indexes perform way faster on large volume > of data but this could could be just my impression. > > cheers, > -Fyodor > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > ( >
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