Hi, I've posted a mail on this few days ago, but went a bit further since then.
I'm using ripple, running a map function on some input and getting a list of about 50 items. Right after that, I'm running a reduce function. The first thing I do in it is putting the length of v (the input) as an item in a list. When printing the result I see that the length is 13. It's like something has happened between the map and reduce phases. Any ideas? [cid:image001.gif@01CCAF77.C60C84E0] Yehuda Zargrov Software Engineer Conduit Your Site <http://www.conduit.com/> t: 972.8.9461713 ext +314 | m: +972503473119 | f: +97286382140 This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. It is intended to be read only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed or by their designee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are on notice that any uses, copy, disclose or distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email or by telephone and delete or destroy any copy of this message. Thank you.
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