We have a 1.0.2 cluster with a node that's gone but still listed in
member_status (as legacy):

riak-admin member_status
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
================================= Membership
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
(legacy)    7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
Valid:13 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

riak-admin force-remove does not remove the node (we've tried a few
times over the last 4 days).

This node was down before we did the upgrade, but wasn't removing so we
upgraded anyway. As you can see here, doing a force-remove reports
successful, but the node is still listed:

riak-admin force-remove 'riak@'
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
Success: "riak@" removed from the cluster

riak-admin member_status
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
================================= Membership
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
(legacy)    7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.8%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
valid       7.6%      --      'riak@'
Valid:13 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

After this, a small number of handoffs are seen in the logs:

17:13:29.514 [info] Handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode
1033327329519114953886199041881434478741108555776 from
'riak@' to 'riak@' completed: sent 2 objects in
0.04 seconds
17:13:39.470 [info] Starting handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode
176978713895539025251227460211737396911460581376 from
'riak@' to 'riak@'
17:13:39.480 [info] Starting handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode
1238850997268773176758592221482161778380224069632 from
'riak@' to 'riak@'
17:13:39.512 [info] Handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode
176978713895539025251227460211737396911460581376 from
'riak@' to 'riak@' completed: sent 1 objects in
0.04 seconds
17:13:39.525 [info] Handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode
1238850997268773176758592221482161778380224069632 from
'riak@' to 'riak@' completed: sent 3 objects in
0.04 seconds

Here's the pending transfer list:

riak-admin transfers
Nodes ['riak@'] are currently down.
'riak@' waiting to handoff 28 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 39 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 40 partitions

Any ideas on how to get the cluster to remove this node?


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