Hi all,

I'm sorry if my question sounds silly, but I'm not quite use to the OTP way
of developing an application. There seems to be something I'm not seeing in
all that.

We're going to develop an application that will use Riak Core, KV, Luwak
and Search: We might need to create a new storage backend for Riak KV, we
will design a particular distributed processing scheme using Riak Core and
will build an HTTP interface using webmachine.

For the moment, we need to build modules, test suites and all that, and
those are closely tied to the different Erlang components I just talk
about, like pretty much all the Riak components. So I need those external
components to work as well as if I installed them using the prepared Riak
package found at http://github.com/basho/riak . If I use rebar and the OTP
way of building packages, I end up with quite a few Erlang applications
under deps/ (like riak_core, riak_control, eleveldb, etc.), and those just
don't work out of the box like they seem to when we just grab the prepared
Riak package.

How should we set up a development environment so that Riak and all other
Erlang applications works, and lets us build our different stuff (storage
backend, vnodes, web app) on top of it? What's a good way of having good
versatility when developing? Do we always have to go through rebuilding a
brand new package after each modification?

Thanks a lot for you attention,

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