On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:
> Yes, and you might be able to make this simpler yet. Instead of building
> releases, maintain your code separately (this will also let you evolve it
> separately from Riak) and simply add it to the code path and start it using
> switches in vm.args. Something like this:
> %% Add my application's code to the path
> -pz /path/to/myapp/ebin
> %% Make init start my app, assuming the function myapp:start/0 exists
> -s myapp

Oh my, that's clean!

> This will also allow you to roll out new versions without stopping Riak;
> just send some commands to the console to reload changed modules.
> Hope that helps,

Thank you for making this kick-self simple for me. I will be glad to
dump my current strategy and use this.


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