I was able to achieve similar results. I wrote a Ruby process that would
keep at most n (I think n = 10) things at once and reached 2,500ish req/s
on my macbook pro.

I loaded data to a cluster of six Riak nodes by running several of these
processes at once and attaching each to a different Riak node, and I hit
18,000 req/s. I'm not sure whether loading different nodes affected the
speed or not, now that I think of it.

2011/11/14 Russell Brown <russel...@basho.com>

> On 14 Nov 2011, at 11:47, Nitish Sharma wrote:
> > Hi,
> > This is more sort of a discussion than a question. I am just trying to
> see the trend in how users import their data to Riak.
> > For the data I am using, I was able to achieve almost 150 records/second
> with PHP library, and 400 records/second with node.js (fairly new with
> node; was hitting memory wall when trying to import 1 million records).
> > What are some hacks/tricks/tweaks to import large amount of data to Riak?
> New keys, new data, straight in for the first time, no fetch before store?
> I've had reasonable results creating a *number* of threads and using the
> Java Raw PB client to write.
> For example, maybe have a 1 or a couple of threads that reads data (from
> Oracle, a file, what-have-you) and puts it on a queue, and have a bunch of
> threads that pull data off the queue, create a riak object and store it.
> From my laptop I've got up to 2500 writes a second like this, and it was
> just ad hoc, throw away code with 4 threads against a small 3 node cluster
> (running on desktops.)
> I imagine others on the list have more direct, real world examples?
> Cheers
> Russell
> >
> > Cheers
> > Nitish
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