there is no equivalent to drop table / drop bucket.

you need to list all keys via streaming and issue a delete on each key. even 
then , the delete is a write , so mind your disk (at least in bitcask).

If this is a test environment just do a "rm -r riak/data/*" and start over.


-Alexander Sicular


On Nov 10, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Stefan Gebhardt wrote:

> Hi
> I just started playing around with riak.
> For the purpose of testing i uploaded 1 million random generated items(using 
> uuid for keys) to a single bucket
> via the python API.
> Now i like to clean/remove this bucket and run the upload again. At the 
> moment i am looking for smth. like DROP Bucket. Neither in the erlang api nor 
> in the python api i found a function for doing so.
> Then i tried to list all keys and delete item by item but the call  "list 1 
> million keys" never returned and ok,,, silly plan at all.
> So... My questions are:
> How can i clean up my cluster?
> Why is there no function to remove a bucket?
> Cheers
> Stefan
> -- 
> --
> Stefan Gebhardt *
> Software Development
> ABAS Software AG * ERP / PPS / WWS / eBusiness
> Südendstraße 42 * 76135 Karlsruhe * GERMANY
> Vorstand: Werner Strub (Vorsitzender), Peter Walser
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Thomas Frank
> HRB 107644 Amtsgericht Mannheim
> Tel. +49 (0) 721/9 67 23 0 * Fax +49 (0) 721/9 67 23 100
> *
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