Hi Alexandre,
Fortunately its a test cluster. Removing the ring files, stopping and
starting the nodes, and then again running *join *brought the cluster in
desirable state.
Name and IP of all the nodes was same all the time, still restarting a
single node brought the whole cluster in inconsistent state. Weird!

Thanks for the tip, though.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Alexandre Ravey

> Hi Nitish,
> Did you change the node name or IP at any point?
> If so, you need to reip your node(s).
> Run riak-admin status and check the node name in ring_members, must be
> the same as your actual node. (ie, same ip and node name).
> Check also that you are not using xxx@ if your nodes aren't
> on the same physical box.
> If it's a test cluster you may just rm /var/lib/riak/ring/* (node
> down) and join again.
> Regards
> Alexandre
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Nitish Sharma
> <sharmanitishd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've installed riak using pre-compiled Debian binary. I setup a Riak
> cluster
> > consisting of 3 nodes (name of each node in format: riak@<ip_addr>). The
> > configuration file for all the nodes is same.
> > Just to clarify my problem, I'll be using node names as A, B, and C.
> > Initially, all three nodes were successfully able to form a cluster ( B
> and
> > C joined node A). To perform some tests, node A rebooted and after that
> its
> > ``status" is not showing all three nodes as ring_members. While, running
> > ``riak-admin status" on nodes B and C was still stating ring_members as
> A,
> > B, C.
> > Running ``riak-admin leave" on nodes B and C didnt help, since
> > running join command again was throwing "Failed: This node is already a
> > member of a cluster". Force removal of nodes also didnt do any good;
> still
> > the same inconsistent ring members status.
> > Any suggestions ?
> > Regards
> > Nitish
> >
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