
Using the DEB package is probably the best way to start out. It'll be quicker 
to get started and you won't have to worry about installing all the tools to 
build from source. Last I checked the erlang version of the package that Ubuntu 
installs via apt is old and doesn't work with the latest branches of riak 
anyway so you would also have to build erlang from source. So the path of least 
resistance is to use the deb. 


On Nov 2, 2011, at 4:45 PM, Randolph Kahle wrote:

> I'm new to Riak so please forgive a newbie question. I searched the email 
> archives and did not see a discussion about this...
> I will setup several VMWare Ubuntu instances to run a Riak ring so I can 
> perform some testing and then development.
> What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of using the binary DEB 
> package compared to building from source?
> -- Randy
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