Please add this explanation to the wiki. I'd do it, but i'm working with an 
RDBMS right now and I am neither distributed nor eventually consistent.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Nov 2, 2011, at 8:18 AM, Ryan Zezeski wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Justin Karneges <> wrote:
> Are you saying that allow_mult=false + last_write_win=false is the same as
> allow_mult=false + last_write_win=true ?
> False/false may be the default behavior, but I want to know what that behavior
> is. :)
> Justin,
> No, last_write_wins=true doesn't care about the value of allow_mult.  Only 
> one should be true at the same time, and the default is to have both set to 
> false.  Perhaps making an imaginary setting to displace these two would help. 
>  Lets call this imaginary setting "conflict_resolution_method" which can take 
> on the three mutually exclusive values "stomp", "most_recent" and "siblings".
> stomp - overwrite the current value with the new value regardless of vector 
> clocks, just mutate the value with no regard, thus "stomp"
> most_recent - use vclocks to monitor for conflicts, create siblings, and pick 
> the most recent write when a conflict does occur (i.e. let Riak handle the 
> conflict for you based on time)
> siblings - use vclocks to monitor for conflicts, create siblings, and return 
> the siblings to the client when a conflict occurs for it to be resolved by 
> some application dependent logic
> Now lets map my imaginary field to the actual fields
> stomp = last_write_wins=true + allow_mult=false
> most_recent = last_write_wins=false + allow_mult=false
> siblings = last_write_wins=false + allow_mult=true
> Notice that setting both to true has undefined semantics as they are 
> necessarily mutually exclusive.
> Also notice that stomp and most_recent might seem like the same thing on the 
> surface but they may have different outcomes in different situations.  For 
> example, stomp would prove to be non-deterministic during the healing of a 
> split-brain because it will depend on the order of the hinted handoff 
> transfers.  Honestly, you're best avoiding last_write_wins at this point 
> because it can cause non-obvious behavior and there is potential it may be 
> removed in the future.
> HTH,
> -Ryan 
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