That code snippet isn't working because I've got a RawClient instance and
its mapReduce method wants a MapReduceSpec. I ran into this problem while
trying to use search also. I ended up making a search object and then
serializing it to json and providing it to the MapReduceSpec constructor,
then passing the resulting MapReduceSpec into the mapReduce method on
RawClient. Is there a better way? I considered just using String.format to
put the variables into a handwritten json string and using that to
instantiate the MapReduceSpec.


My gross method of making a MapReduceSpec:
    final Map<String, Object> mapReduceObject = new HashMap<String,
    final Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    final List<Map> query = new ArrayList<Map>();
    final List<String> searchTerms = new ArrayList<String>();
    inputs.put("module", "riak_search");
    inputs.put("function", "mapred_search");
    inputs.put("arg", searchTerms);
    final Map<String,String> reduce = new HashMap<String,String>();
    reduce.put("language", "erlang");
    reduce.put("module", "riak_kv_mapreduce");
    reduce.put("function", "reduce_identity");
    final Map<String,Map<String,String>> map1 = new
    map1.put("reduce", reduce);
    mapReduceObject.put("inputs", inputs);
    mapReduceObject.put("query", query);
    final MapReduceSpec spec = new MapReduceSpec(new

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Russell Brown <> wrote:

> On 25 Oct 2011, at 16:09, Alexander Robbins wrote:
> The M/R job over the http api seems to be working to me.
> curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:
> application/json" -d @query.json
> query.json:
> {"inputs":{"bucket":"mentions","index":"docUID_bin","key":"5b9d1a6250dbd3e77ff004a12d06958745ee32844ad4aa668001bbe69b5efcf8"},"query":[{"reduce":{"language":"erlang","module":"riak_kv_mapreduce","function":"reduce_identity","arg":"{reduce_phase_only_1,
> true}"}}]}
> Results:
> [["mentions","1907d031c88b8df2fc5128114615133d4184cedaea55964c3cee0ef9fe566f13"],["mentions","1bb5ce4aba0bf240698876530948c807d50e6f04a7358b7514c756dd295775ae"],["mentions","1f5f8f78951c6842ad6bcc96e3839ca8240b71372d2ab4826411fdfc84fedeb1"],["mentions","330856dabfa3a1c5b9ca8051686d8d7f387a23c795493a4e8f33d84861756d4f"],["mentions","338fffb9740b2f0c50b2da52a73b4861be318868082db3748eb95a47654981bd"],["mentions","5eef2b9cd6f7faf34548c9700069527287574690ab3dabf4c4f186753ffc5417"],["mentions","7ec9217a7a87c9e43a94170bb1ab8c13566233823ef6f77ef9c455a289c4bdf8"],["mentions","a588d7f0fb413d52a895a5d7e7fcfc966e9a56c42456e7821d2e5fa93b5671ba"],["mentions","aaacde92acf2c61abf9a4104f263283aed6233da08efb6ebbf13f83dfcfa1e7c"]]
> Looks good to me. It has an extra "mentions" term, but I think the java
> client explicitly drops that when converting the m/r results.
> That is what I think the culprit is (dropping the bucket from the return.)
> Thanks for helping track it down. I'm going to spend some time trying to
> recreate it so I can fix it. I've opened a bugzilla ticket for it here
> Thanks again, hope to have something for you soon. In the meantime, a work
> around would be to use an M/R job from the PB client like this (it is a bit
>  more verbose, sorry)
> // get your PB client as before
>  IndexQuery q = new BinValueQuery(BinIndex.named("docUID"), "mentions",
> "5b9d1a6250dbd3e77ff004a12d06958745ee32844ad4aa668001bbe69b5efcf8");
>  MapReduceResult result =
> client.mapReduce(q).addReducePhase(NamedErlangFunction.REDUCE_IDENTITY, 
> "{reduce_phase_only_1,
> true}").execute();
> Collection<String[]> r = result.getResult(String[].class);
> This will get you a collection of two tuples where the first element is the
> bucket and the second the key.
> Let me know if that works for you in the interim.
> Cheers
> Russell
> Alex
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Russell Brown <>wrote:
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