
Thanks for the reply.  Glad to hear its documented.  BTW, I am attempting to
sort on an inline field, so that partial solution would at least be useful
to me.  But for the time being we'll go with a MR job.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Rusty Klophaus <> wrote:

> Hi Elias,
> Yes, you've encountered a known bug, tracked here:
> MapReduce is one way to solve this issue. Another approach, depending on
> how frequently the query changes, would be to read and cache the result set
> somewhere, and then paginate from there.
> Best,
> Rusty
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Elias Levy 
> <>wrote:
>> In what order are the sort and rows options of search via the Solr API
>> applied?
>> It would appear that rows is applied first, with the cluster waiting just
>> long enough to receive enough answers to to fulfill the rows requirement,
>> and only then sorting the result set.  Alas, if that is the case, then the
>> sort and rows parameters are useless for pagination.
>> I got a query that matching around 420 objects with indexed timestamps.
>>  I'd like to return the latest 10 objects.  Thus, I use sort="ts desc" and
>> rows="10", but the result set I get, while sorted, does not represent the
>> latest objects.  The only way I can get the latest objects is to make rows
>> as large the the number of results, use sort="ts desc" to get Riak to do the
>> sort, then perform the slice at the client.  This will become wasteful and
>> slow with queries that match many more objects.
>> Is this expected behavior?
>> Looks like I'll have to resort to MR jobs to get the behavior I want.
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> Rusty Klophaus
> *Basho Technologies, Inc.*
> 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550
> Reston, VA 20190
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