From a user's perspective, 2I and Search seem incredibly similar.

Both offer a way to efficiently query Riak for objects based on things
other than their keys. The fact that 2I uses explicitly set indices,
while Riak Search indexes the contents of Riak objects[1] seems like a
minor detail.

The interface for Riak search is much richer, and notably supports
querying on multiple terms in one go.

My question is: What would be my motivation for using 2I? As far as I
can tell, anything I can do with 2I, I can also do with Search, so the
differences must lie elsewhere (performance? availability?
consistency?), and I'm at a bit of a loss here.

[1]: I realise Riak Search can index things that aren't in Riak KV,
but that's beside the point for this particular discussion.

Soren Hansen        |
Ubuntu Developer    |
OpenStack Developer |

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