If I run a curl request to pull back a list of keys, streamed, the output
has multiple empty arrays, like so:

$ curl -i http://localhost:8098/buckets/User/keys?keys=stream
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.9.0 (participate in the frantic)
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:58:54 GMT
Content-Type: application/json


I assume this is a result of the chunked encoding? Or is this reflecting
empty results for keys that were deleted in the past?

Just a note, this is a single-node cluster, with r,w,dw,nval=1

* Jonathan Langevin
Manager, Information Technology
Loom Inc.
Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - jlange...@loomlearning.com -
www.loomlearning.com - Skype: intel352 *
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