Evening, Morning, Afternoon To All -

Big Recap for today: new code, conferences, blog posts, slides, and more.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies

Riak Recap for October 17 - 18

1) Jeffrey K. Eliasen wrote a short post on setting up Riak. Thanks, Jeffrey!

* Read here ---> http://jeff.jke.net/2011/10/09/setting-riak

2) Diego Castorina wrote an extensive overview post about Riak. Thanks, Diego!

* Read here --->

3) Andrzej Kajetanowicz fixed a typo in the Erlang client
documentation. Thanks, Andrzej!

* PR here ---> https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client/pull/39

4) Basho is throwing a Riak 1.0 Release Party in San Francisco on Nov
8th. If you're in the area, we want you here.

* Details here --->

5) ldapjs-riak v0.1.7 was released by Mark Cavage.

* Details here ---> http://search.npmjs.org/#/ldapjs-riak

6) A short piece on Riak appeared on sourceforge.jp

* Read here ---> http://sourceforge.jp/magazine/11/09/28/1051240

7) The slides from GOTO Amsterdam and Aarhus are online. Three great
Riak-related slides decks to pass along:

* Bring Riak to the Mobile Platform --->
* Embracing Concurrency at Scale --->
* Riak on Drugs (and the Other Way Around) --->

8) Basho is holding a webinar on October 25th all about the querying
enhancements that were part of 1.0.

* Register here ---> http://info.basho.com/enhancements.html

9) We merged a handful of contributions to the Python Client from
Soren Hansen. Thanks, Soren!

* Latest commits here --->

10) For anyone in or around the Washington, DC area: the DC Erlang
Meetup Group is putting on a one day event on December 3rd called
ErlangDC. Basho is proud to be sponsoring, and we'll also be giving a
few talks.

* Details here ---> http://erlangdc.com

11) Mark Smith released a Nagios plugin for Riak. Thanks, Mark!

* Code here ---> https://github.com/xb95/nagios-plugins
* This is also a great time to remind people of the "Monitoring,
Management, and GUI Tools" section of the Wiki --->

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