Hi Tim,

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Tim Robinson <t...@blackstag.com> wrote:


> 2. Are there any known plans for a Riak cloud service? I know about Joyent,
> but frankly I don't like their business model and can't see using them. Just
> curious if there's anything in the works.
> Note: as a preemptive answe: I'm looking for a service which is 1. more
> reasonably priced, 2. has an initial free tier and 3. automates the upgrades
> and the linking/start-up process... so really, I'm looking for the MongoHQ
> of Riak (https://mongohq.com/pricing).

Some alternatives (at varying levels of maturity) would be:

* Canvas Hosting - http://canvashosting.com/solutions/riak/
* Dotcloud  - https://www.dotcloud.com/  (as far as I know, Riak
support is still in alpha)

There is also riaknow.com, but I'm not sure when that service will be
online (probably worth emailing them).

Hope that helps.


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