Anybody have any ideas on this one? I was able to deploy a workaround, but it 
involved some ugly special case logic in my search code. 

Also, the last example should say "crashes", not "times out". It returned with 
that error immediately. 


On Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Greg Pascale wrote:

>  Hi, 
> I have uncovered what I think has to be a bug with inline field searches in 
> Riak 1.0. In short, it seems that there are issues when including a field in 
> both the query and filter query. I have a query in production that used to 
> work with 14.2 but no longer does with 1.0.
> I dove into the issue a bit and was able to come up with some simpler 
> examples that illustrate what I'm seeing. I ran these on my dev box which 
> only has about 15 items in the clips bucket, so I'm nowhere close to the 
> results limit. ctime is a field with inline set to true.
> Example 1: Works
> search-cmd search clips 'ctime:([98682333448080 TO 98682333448089])'
>   :: Searching for 'ctime:([98682333448080 TO 98682333448089])' / '' in 
> clips...
> ------------------------------
> index/id: clips/LR04QZTJS_wVDcb6
> <<"ctime">> -> <<"98682333448084">>
> p -> [0]
> <<"ctime">> -> [<<"98682333448084">>]
> <<"private">> -> [<<"0">>]
> score -> 0.0
> ------------------------------
> Example 2: Times out (should return 0 results)
> search-cmd search clips 'ctime:([98682333448080 TO 98682333448089])' 
> 'ctime:(99999999999999)' :: Searching for 'ctime:([98682333448080 TO 
> 98682333448089])' / 'ctime:(99999999999999)' in clips... 
> ------------------------------ :: ERROR: timeout 
> Example 3: Times out (should return 1 result)
> search-cmd search clips 'ctime:(98682333448084)' 'ctime:(98682333448084)'
>  :: Searching for 'ctime:(98682333448084)' / 'ctime:(98682333448084)' in 
> clips...
> ------------------------------
>  :: ERROR: 
> {badarg,[{lists,member,[<<"98682333448084">>,<<"98682333448084">>]},
>                     {riak_search_inlines,passes_inlines_1,3},
>                     {lists,all,2},
>                         {mi_server,iterate,6},
>                         {mi_server,lookup,8}]}
> Thanks
> -- 
> Greg
> Clipboard

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